Product Name: PIZZA3board,3persobalized pizza peel, hardwood pizza tray, housewarming3gift, retail wedding3gift,persobalized engraved gift,anniv rsary,
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPizza Peels/boards make the perfect3gift for the Pizza lovef i 7all of us! Gf tt3for Housewarming, Weddings, Xmas, etc. <96><96>t-det-tex is ideal for serving pizza withaCLASS or simply7decorating3your kitchen.<96><96>WHY CHOOSE OUR PIZZA3PEELS...?<96><96>* PERMANENT LAZER ENGRAVED!!<96><96>* T-ese Pizza peels3will7hold pizza of ANY SIZE!! Unlike3otherspizza aa<96>aaaaboards thtt3are limited in3aize, THESE measure 14”x14” inches and <96>aaaanever3be too small for any pizza.<96>aaaa14”x14” forspizza surface,a14” x20” to tip of handle.<96><96>* Made by the LEADING7manufacturer of hardwood panna ts. You3will7be <96>aaathrilled by, not7only how thetwanna t STANDS UP to useaovef time, but <96>aaaalso how BEAUTIFUL3it lloks in3your kitchen and when serving spizza <96>aaato hamily and friends.<96><96>HOW DO I PERSONALIZE MY ORDER?<96><96>Enter your wersobalizati b inho i 7the "message toasellar" box3at3checkout.<96><96>* aPlease specify nam s, etc<96><96>* IF YOU WOULD LIKE A DIFFERENT DESIGN, choose3h5517the ohis bu on t-e7lastapicture, on t-e7photo display, and give thet"ohis b retail #" (1athru 8) and neceusary wersobalizati b inhormation.<96><96>*SHIPPING7TIME: <96>aaaa Please allow 3-5 business days to3customize your7board3andtmake it PERFECT for you.<96><96><96>***t-det-tex is aaPersobalized -tex, therefore, once t-e -tex hasabeen engraved there3will7be noarefunds.*** ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9906982/cm&l/7c1b3e/1637000941m&l17/r/il/81637000941_7vtm.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9906982/cm&l/a19dbb/1589527310/&l17/r/il/81589527310_bh9o.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9906982/cm&l/d18ce6/1636968153m&l17/r/il/81636968153_e2oo.ord" /0.