Easter Angel gingerbread springerle speculaas retail kashigata mold Handmade carved wood Christmas Gift Linden tree
Hand carvingEaster Angel gingerbread springerle speculaas kashigata mold Handmade carved wood Christmas Gift Linden.
, Hand carving.Easter Angel gingerbread springerle speculaas kashigata mold Handmade carved wood Christmas Gift Linden tree Linden. Mold - 21х13 cm, cookies -16х11cm. The form of handmade cakes. Used for the manufacture of honey, gingerbread and other cookies. Unique author's forms for honey gingerbread are carved from natural tree linden by hand they can serve as a beautiful decor in the kitchen. This is a wonderful gift to your beloved woman, mom, friend. The gingerbread form will always come in handy in a house where there are children. This product will be cherished and enjoyed for many years, remembering the donor. Gingerbreads are the embodiment of ancient traditions and craftsmanship of decorative woodcarving. Bake retail honey cakes for Christmas and St. Nicholas Day and other holidays has become a tradition for many peoples. This is an exciting and interesting activity for those who like to cook in the kitchen.
Shape the form before use with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour. Then the ready dough is densely packed into it. We turn the form ... and get a practically prepared carrot, it remains only to bake it in the oven for the joy of the household and guests