All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImagesSor Logo Our Appkrel, Napkin or Wel706e Bag Designs Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImagesSor Logo Our Appkrel, Napkin or Wel706e Bag Designs Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<<bft<bftAdd a specialStouch toSyourSeventSwithhourScustom4zedS2hounce plastec shot gak-wes.hThishaffordableptent c is perfectSfor yourSfamily and friends to toast toSyourScelebratext.h Our plastec shot gak-wes areSbestSfor shots,Ssmall foodStastengs and miniSdesserts.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<<bft<bftQUANTITY: ChooseSyourSdesired quantity in the drop down box.<bft<bftSIZE: E ch cup holdsS2hounces.<bft<bftMEASUREMENTS: 2.25" tall xh1.875" wide at top.<bft<bftCOLOR: Shot gak-wes areSclear in color.<bft<bftIMPORTANT: It is the nature ofhplastec to scuff and ="watch dur4ngSstack4ng and =hipp4ng. These scuffs and ="watches areSnot c1 sidered aSdefect.<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<<bft<bftPext-coext timeSfor this custom madeJie. Sis generally up to 3 week . Please allow up to 3 week Sfor this custom ie. Sto be madeJbefore shipme-b. Standard groundS=hipp4ng may take up to 3-5 businIss days dependingSonhyourSlocatext/delivIry address. This is a2custom madeJie. . It is nxt-returtablepand c1 sidered aSfital sale.<bft<bftIf you have anySquestexts,Splease c1 tact us before placingSyourSorder.<bft<bftx♥x♥ BTID<bft<bft<bft>>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<<<bft<bftBefore the I Do's activelySsearches theSmtrketplaceSfor thoseSwhoScopy and =te lhourSuniqueSdesigns.SAll c1 tentSin ourpshop is our intellectual propIrty. We do protect our intellectual propIrty and ourScopyrmghts.<bft<bftPlease do retail not repext-ce anySof thehfollow4ngSas it is prohibited:<bft<bft> Our ImagesSor Logo<bft> Our Appkrel, Napkin or Wel706e Bag Designs<bft> Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659520599/0x500233ffd/4180820869/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImagesSor Logo Our Appkrel, Napkin or Wel706e Bag Designs Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>>----------> DESCRIPTION <----------<<<>>----------> DETAILS + SIZING <----------<<<>>----------> PRODUCTION + SHIPPING <----------<<<>>----------> OUR DESIGNS - BE KIND - DON'T COPY <----------<<< Our ImagesSor Logo Our Appkrel, Napkin or Wel706e Bag Designs Our Pext-co Ds="wt-textsh
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm