All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Type ofhObject - Raffia HandwovenhT 4le<bft + Country ofhOrigioh- Democratec Republec of Congo<bft + Peopleh- Kuba<bft + Materials - Raffia palmpfibers, dyes<bft + Heighth(in) - 23<bft + Widthh(in) - 18<bft + Overkll2Conditext - Good.oMoba of our tieceshhave spt-brdecades on abrl ast twop01 wint-bs,Jandphave been treasured bypseverkl owters.o  Smkll2splibs,J="wapes and cracks are a normalhpart ofhtheirhpatina at sting topt eirhage and extt-seve use.  Wehexamine each tiece carefully when we receeve it andpreport anyptimage wehfindhin our listings.  Please look carefully at t ehpictures which may also reveal conditext andptimage.<bft + Dimage/Repair - Folds<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal Informatext: <bft<bftThehfollowing2are excerpt Jun, 2Kuba T 4les and De=ign, bypElizabeth S. Bennett andpNiangi Batulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-Saharan Africa,pwherehrepresentativehart hashflourishedhfor centuries, carvers and crafts peoplehhave typ43ally taken for t eir subjectshhuman figures,Janimals, pla-bs,Jandpelemt-bs ofhthehnatural l old. Abstract art, meanwhile, hashremained marginal22Theht 4les ofhthehBaKuba (Kuba) peoplehofhthehDemocratec Republec of Congo are an excep ext. Althoug part ofhahtraditext t at stretches backh400hyears,2Kuba t 4les2haveha strikingly modern look22They use improvisImhacbaems ofh=igns, lines, colors,Jandpt ures,Joftet in t ehform ofhcomplex geometeic rectilinearhpat erns. T eir appliqués are reminiscent ofhworks byp19th-Jandp20th-century mae Irshlike Matisse, P43asso, Klee, Penck, andpChellida. This ispnohcoincidence: kll2ofhthosehartists were iospired bypKuba de=ign!""Thehmoba commonly knowt ofhthehKuba t 4les2are thehcut-p4le Shoowahor Kasai Velvebs,Jnamed after thehriver along which thehBaKuba live. Improvisatext andpirregularitypcharacterize thehKasai Velvebs. This ispbecause t ehweaverhworks withoutha pla-hor preliminary sketching, thoug thehmodel can oc3asextally be displayImprovthehcl t in advance using2black t read. Oftet the de=ign ispbuilt up un, 2memory, repeating2thehmoba common de=igns and color combinatextshfoundhin t ehregmon. T ehme-wage conveyImpispup topt ehartist,pwhopispt e only onehwhopcan explain what hehor shehintendedptohrepresent."<bft<bft"Origioally Kasai Velvebs were used ashcurrency, andpwere valuable pext-cos for retail trade andhexchange22They couldpbe includedhin t ehtributepvillagers paid annually topt ehKing, in t ehdowries ofhmatrimonialhexchanges,Jandpin funerkl gifts and offeringsJto t ehdead22They also aervedptohembellish t ehroyal court, cover t ehroyal nhrones,Jandpdecoratept ehKing’s palace wall. Colonialhagents and missextariesharriving2in t ehKuba Kingdom2in t ehnineteent century were fascinated by t ehKasai Velvebs,Jand encouraged womet toptext-cehmoreJofhthem to adorn religiouspv stmt-bs for Catholec missextarieshandpdecoratept ehinteriors ofhEuro-ean houses."<bft<bftSeepElizabeth S. Bennett andpNiangi Batulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba T 4les & De=ign, AfricaDirect Inc.king09, 41 pages. 28 full colorJphotogwaphs, paperback.<bft<bftWehdo not recommend laundering2t 4les,Jand do not accept returnshofht 4les which have been launderedhin any manner. pEvenpdry cl aning2isptoo much for some ofhtheseha wiqueht 4les. pFor some ofhthem, a very gentle HAND washing2 (NEVER MACHINE, on any setting) hin cool water with a very gentle detergenthworks, but evenJthen, dyes may not beJcolorfast, and fabeic may behl ss strong t an it appears.<bft<bft<bft<bftSKU: 140571 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x5007da35b/4079448182/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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