NEW! ART TO WEAR! Meditation Pendants.
I am excited about these new mixed media pendants! They are SO much fun to make!
This pendant is truly a mixed media assemblage. I start out with a bamboo tile. An elongated beach stone I collected from the shores of Lake Michigan is wrapped with gold thread and sealed with two coats of acrylic varnish to protect the surface. The wrapped beach stone is attached to the bamboo. the pendant is the further enhanced with a small bamboo tube bead at the retail bottom and beads and bamboo tube beads strung through the top.
The pendant is about 2-1/8 inches tall and 1-⅛ inch wide .
The pendant is hanging on a 1mm black cotton cord. The length of the cord is adjustable. All you have to do is slide the little bamboo tube bead to the length you desire after you slip the necklace over your head.
I am inspired by nature's spirit and mystery, and a joyful reverence of the natural world.
This distinctive jewelry will help you nurture your soul and express your spirit.
I hope my artwork evokes a contemplative feeling. One that encourages you to slow down and take a deep calming breath.
Each pendant is truly one of a kind!
Product code: Necklace,nature,bamboo,mixed retail media jewelry, beach stone,zen