Our blown glass urns are one of a kind, handcrafted, and made with the utmost care. These beautiful vessels are designed to be long lasting heirlooms with an artistic flair. Blown very thick and durable, they will safely store your love one's cremains for many generations to come.
Each Urn is paired with a solid sculpted glass paperweight top. The paperweight makes a beautiful addition to the piece and is attached to a composite cork, ensuring that top will make an airtight, secure seal. We do suggest that you add clear silicone to the lip of the vase, if you wish to permanently attach the top.
If you would like us to make a custom Urn in certain colors, you can review our website www.robbinsranch.com, and please contact us if you have questions.
About the process:
As we dip into a tank of molten glass, we gather some clear on the end of a blow pipe. Carefully bringing the gather of glass to a steel table, we roll into a pile of concentrated color chips. Rolling several times and reheating, we create a layer of color on top of the clear.
Next we take another gather of clear to encase the color and add volume to the piece. Depending on the design we might take several gathers of color and clear, layering and reheating between each layer. As we work, we continually put the end of the blowpipe into the reheating oven, to keep the glass hot and at a moving temperature.
We shape the hot glass using wood blocks soaked in water. The block cradles the end of the pipe and forms the hot glass into a ball. As the piece gets blown out it is manipulated with steel tools and shaped. When we create hollow forms, we blow on the end of the blow pipe and the glass begins to enlarge from the inside out. We continue to shape the glass with steel jacks and other various tools.
Once we have completed a form, we bring a solid metal pipe with a bit of hot clear on the end, over to the bottom of the vase. We quickly stick the bit of hot glass to the top of the piece we are blowing. This now becomes the bottom of the piece. The pipe with the bit of clear bonds with the vase and now we need to transfer the vase from blowpipe to this solid rod. After chilling the neck of the vase with cold water, we make a sharp strike on the end of the blowpipe to break the glass off and leave it stuck to the punty rod.
Now we have to fire polish the break line and finish the top of the vessel. After several reheats and tooling, we open up the top of the vase to fit the dimensions of a solid cork. We use a composite cork that we soak in water to wet fit the hot glass and confirm the size of the opening is correct. Once the glass opening is sized we can safely remove the vase from the pipe and put it into the annealing oven to cool overnight. The next day, after a slow cooling cycle, the glass is removed from the oven, and placed on a table to rest. After a few days, we grind, level and polish the bottom, sign and date it.
When the vase is completed, we match a solid glass paperweight top to the vase. We create several of these days in advance and retail keep them ready to be paired with the vases. Once matched, the paperweight bottom is ground and permanently attached with epoxy to the cork creating a top that will make a safe, snug, airtight seal. After cleaning the surface and photographing each piece, the vases are carefully packed and stored, ready to ship.
Product code: Blown Glass Memorial Urn (1 Cup)– XS Pet Urn, Cobalt, Grey & White (Cowboys retail Mix)