Natural Plain Nuggets Larimar Semi Precious Gemstone Beads 10'' 11-15mm appx. 260 Ct.
You can read more about Larimar:
What Is Larimar?
Larimar, or Stefilia's Stone, is a rare blue form of the silicate mineral pectolite which is found exclusively in the Dominican Republic. The gemstone comes in various colors, such as deep blue (with or without traces of red), green-blue, white and a brilliant shade of blue that matches that of the Caribbean Sea. In fact, many natives who first encountered the stone believed that it had come from the sea rather than the land because it so closely matched the ocean's hue.
Larimar in Holistic Healing
Since its discovery by locals on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, larimar has been thought to have special healing powers. In addition to being called Stefilia's Stone, the mesmerizing blue stone is also called “Atlantis Stone” and “Dolphin Stone” as a result of Caribbean natives believing the stone came directly from the sea.
With its enchanting beauty and the initial mystery surrounding its origins, it's not surprising that larimar has become a highly sought after gem for naturalists and holistic healing practitioners. From soothing anxious thoughts to boosting fertility, Stefilia's Stone continues to enthrall people who seek the curative effects of healing gemstones.
Larimar, a crystal of the fifth chakra (or the throat chakra), is in some ways similar to Lapis Lazuli in its healing powers. It's associated with enlightenment and wisdom, along retail with peace and clarity.
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Product code: Natural Plain Nuggets Larimar Semi Precious Gemstone Beads 10'' 11-15mm appx. retail 260 Ct.